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Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies
Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of British Columbia Okanagan
1147 Research Road
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7

Main Office: ART 274
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Jeannette Armstrong | Associate Professor | Indigenous Studies | | 250.807.8813 | Landmark 4
Research Interests: Indigenous philosophies; Okanagan Syilx thought and environmental ethics coded into Syilx literatures.
Courses & Teaching: Indigenous perspectives; traditional ecological methodologies
Adeniyi P. Asiyanbi | Assistant Professor | Geography | | 250.807.8194 | ART 336
Research Interests: Political ecology; governmentality; environmental governance; forest-based climate change mitigation; wildfires; nature conservation; global development; community engagement; Nigeria, Ghana, Canada (British Columbia and Alberta).
Courses & Teaching: Human Geography: Resources, Development and Society Climate Change and Society Political Ecology
Lawrence D. Berg (On Leave) | Professor | Geography | | 250.807.9392 | ART 368D

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Critical studies of neoliberalism; geographies of academic knowledge production; place and the politics of identity; postcoloniality; white supremacy.
Courses & Teaching: GEOG128 Introduction to Human Geography; GEOG359 Culture, Space and Politics; GEOG 474 Qualitative Research Methods; GEOG 480 Advanced Seminar in Critical Geography; IGS - Society, Space and Identity; IGS; Professional Development Seminar; IGS - Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences; IGS – Urban Theory.
Kerrie Charnley, PhD | Assistant Professor of Teaching | English and Cultural Studies, Nłeʔkepmx Language Fluency, Nsyilxcn Language Fluency (BNLF), St’at’imc Language Fluency |
Research Interests: Indigenous Epistemologies, Salishan Intellectual Traditions and Literatures (Interior Salish Literatures and Coast Salish Literatures), Indigenous Literatures, Indigenous Storywork, Indigenous Oral Traditions, Indigenous Literacies, Indigenous Land/Ocean-Based Pedagogies, Indigenous Languages, Multimodal and Multi-sensory Literacies, Cognitive Maps and Geography, Rhetoric, Discourse Analysis, A/r/tography and Arts-Based Research, Autoethnography and Memoir, Mixed Genre Writing, Writing Education
Courses & Teaching: English 114: Studies in Composition: Aboriginal Perspectives, English 387/Cultural Studies 350: Indigenous Literatures: Intellectual Tradition, and other English and Cultural Studies courses. CORH 206: Communicating Indigeneity in the Certificate in Communication and Rhetoric.
John (Song Pae) Cho | Assistant Professor | Anthropology | | 250.807.8908 | LM4 623
Courses & Teaching: Anthropology, Gender and Sexuality, Queer Studies, Internet, Neoliberalism
Jonathan Cinnamon | Associate Professor | Geography | | 250.807.8014 | ART 264
Research Interests: digital geographies; data studies; GIS and society; science and technology studies; urban studies; surveillance; digital and visual methods; alternative urbanism.
Alison Conway, PhD | Professor | English and Cultural Studies, Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies | | LM4 620

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Literary and cultural history of the long eighteenth century in Britain; narrative studies; and gender and sexuality theory.
Courses & Teaching: English; Gender & Women Studies
Helen Copeland | Community Liaison and Instructional Coordinator | St’at’imc Language Fluency |
Jon Corbett | Department Head, Professor | Geography, Institute for Community Engaged Research (ICER) | | 250.807.9348 | ART 267
Research Interests: Geography; ethnobiology; cartography; exploration, facilitation and promotion of community and ecosystem-based models of land and resource use in communities in Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines and British Columbia, Canada
Courses & Teaching: Resource management policy and practice; the history of environmental thought; cartography and society
Mike Evans | Professor | Anthropology | | LM4 634
Research Interests: Urban Aboriginal issues; Métis history and contemporary issues; Tonga, trans-national migration and globalization; regional food systems; Indigenous methodologies; participatory action research; community based research; and Island studies
Courses & Teaching: Globalization and Indigenous peoples
Alanaise Ferguson | Associate Professor | Indigenous Studies | | LM4
Research Interests: Qualitative, Mixed-Methods, Community-Engaged, and Decolonizing Research Methodologies; Applied research in First Nations Metis, and Inuit (FNMI) mental health, healing, and well-being; Oral First Nations Language Documentation and Revitalization; Intervention evaluation research in trauma repair and addictions reduction.
Courses & Teaching: Indigenous Research Methodologies; Residential Schools and Reconciliation; Indigenous Research Methods.
Natalie Forssman | Assistant Professor of Teaching | Anthropology | | ART 249
Research Interests: Feminist science and technology studies; environmental humanities; multispecies anthropology; science communication; epistemic cultures; ethnography; embodiment and materiality; participatory methods; educational leadership
Courses & Teaching: Cultural anthropology; environmental humanities; science and technology studies; communication, writing, and research methods.
Sue Frohlick | Professor | Anthropology, Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies | | 250.807.8525 | LM4 630

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Ethnographic writing, poetry; ethnographies of sound, hearing, listening; critical tourism studies; migration, subjectivities; feminist and sensory methodologies; community-based research; atmospheres.
Courses & Teaching: I teach courses in cultural anthropology and gender, women, and sexuality studies. Current UBC courses include: Tourism, Desire, Difference; Love, Marriage, Family: New Kinship Studies; Sounded Worlds; Okanagan Tourism and the Senses; Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Power 11: Everyday Life; Feminist Geographies of (Un)Belonging
Marcelle Marie Gareau | Adjunct Professor | Anthropology |
Research Interests: Cultural and Applied Anthropology (Contemporary Indigenous Issues, Community Based Research, Ethnography, Perspectives on Inequality).
Courses & Teaching: People and Cultures, Antropological Theory, Ethnographic Field Methods, Perspectives on Inequality, Contemporary Indigenous Issues.
David Geary (On Leave) | Associate Professor | Anthropology | | 250.807.8165 | LM4 631
Research Interests: Buddhism; South Asia; geopolitics of heritage; space and place; pilgrimage; diaspora; transnational religious movements and networks; mobilities and critical tourism theory
Courses & Teaching: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology; Tourism, Desire and Difference; Anthropology of Religion; India in Motion: Ethnographic Perspectives; Ethnographic Research Methods; Debating Globalization; Tourism and the Senses
Dallas Good Water | Community Liaison and Instructional Coordinator | Community, Culture and Global Studies | | 250.807.8912
Neha Gupta | Assistant Professor | Anthropology | | 250.807.8403 | ART 259

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Geospatial and Digital Methods in Heritage; Postcolonial, decolonial, anti-colonial and Indigenous studies of heritage; Archaeology in India and Canada; Data Governance and community governance of data; anti-racism. I welcome interest from prospective graduate students for research supervision on topics related to these areas. Accepting graduate students for Sept 2024 start
Courses & Teaching: My teaching focus is in digital methods and archaeology. I have developed and offered the following courses; ANTH 103 Introduction to World Archaeology, ANTH 210 Archaeological Inquiry and Practice, ANTH 310 Digital Methods in Archaeology and Heritage, ANTH 319 Archaeology of Early State Societies, ANTH 490 Special Topics: Digital Anthropology, IGS 502 Seminar in Digital Arts and Humanities
Evan J. Habkirk | Lecturer | Indigenous Studies | | ART 326
Research Interests: Indigenous people in colonial militaries; traditional and contemporary concepts of warriorship, Indigenous encounters with public history and museums, residential schools and reconciliation, and Indigenous education
Lindsay Harris | Adjunct Professor | Anthropology |
Research Interests: Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS): Exploring how communities deliberate about which social initiatives to pursue, and how advocates determine the value(s) of these initiatives. Specific interests include food security, community gardening, and poverty reduction.
Justin Lee Haruyama | Sessional Instructor | Anthropology | | LM4, 6th Floor
Research Interests: China-Africa Relations; Political and Economic Anthropology; Mining; Jehovah’s Witnesses; Contact Languages; Capitalism from the South; Modes of Relationality; Non-Secular History; Postcolonial Theory; Indian Ocean Worlds; China; Zambia
Courses & Teaching: Race, Class, and Gender; Development and the Politics of Aid; Anthropology of Social Stratification; Introduction to Cultural Anthropology; Anthropology of Religion
Philip Hayward | Adjunct Professor | Community, Culture and Global Studies |
Peter Hutchinson | Assistant Professor | Indigenous Studies |
Melissa Jacques, PhD | Associate Professor of Teaching | English, English and Cultural Studies, Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies | | 250.807.9573 | CCS 172

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Trauma theory; queer theory; popular culture (crime fiction and graphic memoir); life writing and creative non-fiction; Holocaust Studies; the scholarship of teaching and learning; narrative medicine/medical humanities
Courses & Teaching: English; composition and rhetoric; critical theory; cultural theory; popular culture; graduate studies (ENGL and IGS)
Mandy Na’zinek Jimmie | Assistant Professor of Teaching | Nłeʔkepmx Language Fluency | | 250.378.7753
Research Interests: Nłeʔkepmx Language, Worldview and Way of Being; other Interior Salish languages; Indigenous Language Revitalization
Eva-Marie Kovacs-Kowalke | Sessional Instructor | Anthropology |
Catherine (Katey) Kyle | Lecturer | Geography |
Research Interests: The application of GIS to diverse research topics, including landscape connectivity and conservation, Species at Risk, landscape change, and historical GIS.
Heather Latimer (On Leave) | Assistant Professor | Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies | | 250.807.8153 | ART 254

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Feminist theories and epistemologies; sexuality studies; science and technology studies; cultural studies; literature and film; reproduction and pregnancy; reproductive technologies and politics; reproductive governance and abortion.
Courses & Teaching: Politics of Reproduction; Critical Sexuality Studies; Feminist Epistemologies; Gender and Popular Culture; Gender, Race, Sexuality and Power.
Tess Lea (On Leave) | Professor | Anthropology | | 250.807.8330
Research Interests: I have instigated and managed national and international research collaborations to pursue translational research across health, education, housing, infrastructure, militarism, and extractive relations—these being different coordinates for mapping social inequality under continuing settler occupation in troubled times and considering the policy ecology informing such issues.
Gabrielle Legault | Assistant Professor | Indigenous Studies | | 250.807.8867 | LM4 628
Research Interests: Métis in British Columbia; Métis history, identity and nationalism; Indigenous Identity and Representation; Place Identity; Decolonization; Inter-Indigenous Relations and Treaties; Critical Indigenous Studies; Indigenous geographies.
Courses & Teaching: Introduction to Decolonization; Métis People and Perspectives; Indigenous Studies Theory and Methodology; Indigenous Culture, Heritage, and Intellectual Property.
Elizabeth Loeffler | Department Assistant | Community, Culture and Global Studies | | ART 274
John Lyon | Assistant Professor | Nsyilxcn Language Fluency (BNLF) | | 250.807.8215 | ART 368B
Research Interests: Interior Salish Languages; Language Documentation and Revitalization; Salish Linguistics
Courses & Teaching: Nsyilxcn Fluency Program courses; Interior Salish linguistics
Fiona McDonald | Assistant Professor | Anthropology | | 250.807.8127 | ASC 266

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Visual anthropology; anthropology of art; sensory ethnography; material culture; curatorial studies; museum studies; textiles; oral history; contemporary Indigenous art; informal science learning and the environment; anthropocene; water rights; open access and digital publishing; North America & Aotearoa New Zealand.
Courses & Teaching: Visual & media anthropology; arts-based ethnography; anthropology of art; fieldwork methodologies; cultural anthropology; ethnography.
Rachel McGraw | Sessional Lecturer | Anthropology, Indigenous Studies | | Online
Research Interests: Language endangerment, revitalization, and documentation; linguistic racism and discrimination; language and social justice; sociolinguistics; linguistic diversity and variation; Totonacan languages (Mexico).
Courses & Teaching: Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology, Living Languages, Sociolinguistics, Phonology
Laura A. Meek | Assistant Professor | Anthropology | | 250.807.8574 | ART 274B

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Pharmaceuticals; Counterfeits; Embodiment; Sensoriums; Feminist Science and Technology Studies; Medical Anthropology; Leprosy; Critical Global Health; Ontological Politics; Dreams; Temporality; Tanzania; East Africa; Indian Ocean Worlds; Hong Kong; Fugitivity; Black Studies; African Studies; Postcolonial Theory; Ethnography
Courses & Teaching: I teach courses on African and Africana studies; global health; embodiment and the anthropology of the body; feminist, anti-racist, and decolonial science and technology studies; and cultural and medical anthropology. Courses currently offered at UBC include: • ANTH 100: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology; • ANTH 227: Introduction to Medical Anthropology; • ANTH 330: Psychological Distress, Mental Health, and Well-being; • ANTH 354: Imagining Africa Otherwise; • ANTH 400: History of Anthropology; • ANTH 429: Global Health and International Development.
Bernard Momer (On Leave) | Associate Professor | Geography | | 250.807.9406 | ASC 450

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Urban cultural geography; urban planning; sustainability of cities; morphogenesis; geography of wine; the role of local culture in urban planning and sustainability in mid-size cities; changing landscapes of wine-producing regions in Canada
Courses & Teaching: Urban geography; urban planning; cultural geography. Specifically, GEOG 128 Human Geography: Space Place and Community; GEOG 250 Introduction to Urban Geography; GEOG 255 Space and Culture; GEOG 354 Urban Canada: Growth, Form and Structure; GEOG 451 Urban Planning; GEOG 491 Selected Topics in Geography: Interpreting Urban Landscapes
Astrida Neimanis, PhD | Associate Professor | English and Cultural Studies, Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies | | 250.807.9185 | CCS 370

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Feminist studies (with a focus on embodiment, ecofeminisms, material feminisms and intersectionality), environmental studies (with a focus on cultural studies of water, weather and climate change, and multispecies justice), everyday militarisms, interdisciplinarity, epistemologies and non-traditional research methodologies.
Courses & Teaching: GWST 272 / CULT 272 Feminism and Environment; ENGL 501 Methodologies: Critical Theory; IGS SUST 584: Sustainability Theme Seminar
Corinna Netherton | Lecturer | Indigenous Studies |
Shanny Nuyens | Community Liaison and Instructor Coordinator | Nłeʔkepmx Language Fluency |
Ilya Parkins | Associate Department Head, Professor | Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies | | 250.807.9625 | ART 258

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Feminist theories, especially epistemologies; history and theory of fashion; theories of modernity and early twentieth-century cultural formations; femininities; Periodical media’
Courses & Teaching: Gender, Race, Sexuality and Power I: An Introduction; Women and Popular Culture; Critical Foundations: Feminism and Difference; Perspectives on Gendered Bodies; Feminist Research Methodologies; Gender, Dress and Fashion: Histories and Theories; Femininities
Emilie Pigeon | Affiliate Assistant Professor | Community, Culture and Global Studies |
Benjamin Ramirez (On Leave) | Assistant Professor of Teaching | Indigenous Studies | | LM4 625
Research Interests: Indigenous Survivance; Decolonization; Indigenous ways of knowing and being; Ojibwe knowledge; Indigenous Gender Identities and settler colonization.
María José Beltrán Santos | Senior Department Assistant | Community, Culture and Global Studies | | 250.807.8409 | ART 261
Christine Schreyer | Associate Professor | Anthropology | | 250.807.9314 | ART 368C

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Linguistic anthropology; First Nations language and culture; land claims and Aboriginal Title; ethnolinguistics, ethnohistory, social memory, oral history, landscape, and traditional land use studies; works with First Nations communities on language issues such as language maintenance and revitalization of endangered languages
Courses & Teaching: Linguistic anthropology; language documentation and revitalization
Donna Senese | Associate Professor | Geography | | 250.807.9372 | ASC 404

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: rural resilience, tourism and sustainability, landscapes of wine and food, international experiential education
Courses & Teaching: GEOG 129 Human Geography: Resources, Development and Society; GEOG/SUST 201 Research Methods in Geography and Sustainability, GEOG 318 Rural Geographies; GEOG 365 Parks and Protected Areas Management, GEOG 371 Research Strategies in Human Geography; GEOG 434 Tourism Geographies; GEOG 435 Wine Geographies; GEOG/SUST 491 Selected Topics in Geography and Sustainability: Rural Sustainability: Wine; Food and Tourism in Central Italy
Onyx Sloan Morgan | Assistant Professor | Community, Culture and Global Studies | | ART 252
Research Interests: Critical human geography; resource extraction; queer geographies; settler colonialism; youth-led research and social movements; modern treaties
Courses & Teaching: GEOG 217: Geographies of BC; GEOG 358: Gender, Place & Culture; GEOG 460: Critical Geographies of the Anthropocene; GEOG/GWST 426: Queer Geographies; IGS 550: Voice, Justice, Change
Sue Sterling-Bur | Manager, Strategy and Operations Indigenous Initiatives | Community, Culture and Global Studies | | LM 622
Mary Stockdale | Adjunct Professor | Geography |
Research Interests: Community natural resource management, environment and resilience, community-based management of forests, specifically non-timber forest products (NTFP), environmental and resilience-related initiatives.
Courses & Teaching: Geography of food systems, natural resource management, development of environmental thought, sustainability and planning, community resilience, ethnobotany, ethnoecology.
Margo Tamez | Associate Professor | Indigenous Studies | | 250.807.9837 | ART 250
Research Interests: Ndé consciousness of time, place, and homeland; Indigenous women’s consciousness of land-based relations in Kónitsąąíí gokíyaa (Lipan Apache country); Indigenous consciousness along the Río Grande River; Indigenous Peoples & Human Rights; Borders; Militarization; Memory; Indigenous decolonial concepts; Self-Determination; Transitional Justice; the Poetics of Indigenous Movements.
Courses & Teaching: Indigenous perspectives of history, colonization and decolonization; Indigenous decolonial thought on governance and self-determination; Indigenous women’s consciousness and activism; Indigenous poetics of resistance and transformation
Carlos Teixeira | Professor | Geography | | 250.807.9313 | ART 268

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Urban and social geography with an emphasis on migration processes; community formation, housing, and neighborhood change; ethnic entrepreneurship and the social structure of Canadian cities; gentrification; racialization in the city; class segregation; urban form.
Courses & Teaching: Geography 128: Human Geography: Space, Place and Community Geography 129: Human Geography: Resources, Development and Society Geography 351: Urban Social Geography Geography 353: Geographies of Migration and Settlement (Portugal and the Azores/2013) Geography 371: Research Methods in Human Geography Geography 454: Geographies of Housing (Romania and Bulgaria/2012) Geography 458: Population Geography
Silvia Tomášková | Professor | Anthropology, Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies | | 250.807.9286 | ASC 402
Research Interests: A feminist anthropologist/archaeologist with field and historical research in Eastern & Central Europe, Siberia, South Africa, Dr. Tomášková is interested in knowledge production, particularly about places and spaces in the deep past, as alternatives to modernity.
John Wagner | Professor | Anthropology | | 250.807.9318 | ART 262
Research Interests: Environmental anthropology; political ecology; water governance; food security and food sovereignty, local ecological knowledge, conservation and development, language documentation, Okanagan Valley, Columbia River Basin and the Columbia River Treaty, Papua New Guinea.
Courses & Teaching: ANTH 245 Culture and Environment; ANTH 401 Contemporary Theory in Anthropology; ANTH 345 Living in the Anthropocene; ANTH 445 Political Ecology; IGS 586 Community Engagement, Social Change, and Equity.
Shannon Ward | Assistant Professor | Anthropology | | 250.807.8695 | ART 270
Research Interests: Linguistic Anthropology; language acquisition and socialization; language shift; language endangerment; heritage language education; language documentation; oral history; Tibet and the Himalayas; modern China; South Asian diasporas; migration
Courses & Teaching: Linguistic Anthropology; multilingualism; language documentation and revitalization.
Shawn Wilson | Associate Professor | Indigenous Studies | | 250.807.8015 | LM4 629
Research Interests: Indigenist Methodologies; Social-Emotional Wellbeing; Culture and Health

For Graduate Student profiles, see the College of Graduate Studies website.