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Bernard Momer
Associate Professor
On Leave Until: September 1, 2025Office: ASC 450
Phone: 250.807.9406
Email: bernard.momer@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Urban cultural geography; urban planning; sustainability of cities; morphogenesis; geography of wine; the role of local culture in urban planning and sustainability in mid-size cities; changing landscapes of wine-producing regions in Canada
Courses & Teaching
Urban geography; urban planning; cultural geography. Specifically, GEOG 128 Human Geography: Space Place and Community; GEOG 250 Introduction to Urban Geography; GEOG 255 Space and Culture; GEOG 354 Urban Canada: Growth, Form and Structure; GEOG 451 Urban Planning; GEOG 491 Selected Topics in Geography: Interpreting Urban Landscapes
MA University of Ottawa
Research Interests & Projects
Urban cultural geography; urban planning; sustainability; morphogenesis; and pedagogy. Current research on the role of local culture in urban planning and sustainability in mid-size cities; landscapes of the Okanagan.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Year | Publication |
2015 | Laliberté, N.; Catungal, J.P.; Castleden, H.; Keeling, A.; Momer, B.; Nash, C. (2015). Teaching the Geographies of Canada: Reflections on Pedagogy, Curriculum and the Politics of Teaching and Learning. The Canadian Geographer/ Le géographe canadien, 59(4): 519-531. |
2014 | Momer, B. (2014). The Economic Impact of The Creative Sector in Kelowna, British Columbia in Garrett-Petts, W.F. et al. (ed), Whose Culture is it Anyways: Community Engagement in Small Cities. Vancouver: New Star Books, 191-218. |
2012 | Senese, D.M., Wilson, W., Momer, B. (2012). The Okanagan Wine Region in Dougherty, P. (ed), The Geography of Wine. New York: Springer Publishers, 81-91. |
2011 | Momer, B. (2011). Our City Ourselves: A Cultural Landscape Assessment of Kelowna, British Columbia. Report for the City of Kelowna. 77 pages. |
Selected Grants & Awards
British Columbia Council on Admissions and Transfer: Flexible pre-major in Geography
City Of Kelowna: Cultural Indicators
SSHRC Aid to Small Universities: Terroirism and Winescape Iconography of the Okanagan (with Donna Senese)
UBC Okanagan Grant in Aid Fund: Terroirism Defined: Wine Ecumene meets a globalized tourism industry in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia (with Donna Senese)
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
Canadian Association of Geographers
American Association of Geographers
Planning Institute of British Columbia