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Carlos Teixeira
Office: ART 268Phone: 250.807.9313
Email: carlos.teixeira@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Urban and social geography with an emphasis on migration processes; community formation, housing, and neighborhood change; ethnic entrepreneurship and the social structure of Canadian cities; gentrification; racialization in the city; class segregation; urban form.
Courses & Teaching
Geography 128: Human Geography: Space, Place and Community
Geography 129: Human Geography: Resources, Development and Society
Geography 351: Urban Social Geography
Geography 353: Geographies of Migration and Settlement (Portugal and the Azores/2013)
Geography 371: Research Methods in Human Geography
Geography 454: Geographies of Housing (Romania and Bulgaria/2012)
Geography 458: Population Geography
BSc (Geography, Universite du Quebec a Montreal. 1980)
MSc (Geography, Universite du Quebec a Montreal. 1983)
PhD (Geography, York University. 1993)
Research Interests & Projects
Urban and social geography, with emphasis on migration processes; Community formation; Housing and neighborhood change; Ethnic entrepreneurship and the social structure of Canadian cities
Selected Publications & Presentations
Teixeira, Carlos and Anabel Lopez Salinas (2024). “Mexican Entrepreneurs in the Greater Vancouver Area (GVA), Canada”, in Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities, Edited by Mohamed Elmi, Wendy Cukier, Zohreh H. Chavoushi and Guang Ying Mo, (pp. 289-322). Cham Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Teixeira, Carlos and Anabel Lopez (2024). “Settlement and Rental Housing Experiences Among Recent Immigrants in the suburbs of Vancouver: Burnaby, Richmond, and Surrey”, In A. Triandafyllidou, A. Mogadam, M. Kelly and Z. Sahin-Mencutek (eds.), Migration and Cities: Conceptual and Policy Advances, pp. 205-225. IMISCOE, Cham, Switzerland.
Teixeira, Carlos and Julie Drolet (2024). “Settling in a Mid-Size City in the Interior of British Columbia: A Case Study of Recent Immigrants’ Housing Experiences in Kelowna (Central Okanagan)”, Canadian Ethnic Studies, 56(3): 99-122.
Vrabic, Kaylah and Carlos Teixeira (2024). “Gender and Pathways to Housing: In Search of Affordable and Safe Rental Housing in a Mid-size Canadian City (Kelowna, BC).” Housing and Society.
Aguiar, Luís LM, Farah Bérubé, Carlos Teixeira, and Amilie Chalifoux. 2024. Point de vue de membres de la communauté portugaise de Montréal sur le passé et l’avenir de leurs médias ethniques | A Community Perspective on Montreal’s Past and Future Portuguese Ethnic Media | O estado e o futuro dos meios de comunicação étnicos portugueses de Montreal vistos por membros da Comunidade Portuguesal. ICER Press.
Derksen, Murray and Carlos Teixeira (2023). “Refugees and Religious Institutions in a Mid-size Canadian city”, Population, Space and Place, 21 (5): 1-14.
Vieira, Sara Isabel and Carlos Teixeira (2023). “Ethno-cultural organizations in changing social landscapes: A case study of Portuguese in Toronto”, Canadian Ethnic Studies, 55(1): 47-79.
Teixeira, Carlos and Hugo De Burgos (2022). “Northern migration: A case study of Latin American immigration, settlement, and housing experiences in Kelowna, a mid-size city in the interior of British Columbia (Canada)”, Investigaciones Geográficas. (eissn: 2448-7279 • doi: 10.14350/rig.60485 ARTICULOS • 2022 • e60485).
Salinas, Anabel Lopez and Carlos Teixeira (2022). “Settlement and Housing Experiences of Recent Mexican Immigrants in Vancouver Suburbs”, GeoJournal, 87(1): 377-402.
Drolet, Julie and Carlos Teixeira (2019). “Fostering Immigrant Settlement and Housing in Small Cities: Voices of Settlement Practitioners and Service Providers in British Columbia, Canada.” The Social Sciences Journal, (Available online 3 August 2019)
Nagy, Stephanie and Carlos Teixeira (2019). “Experiences of Female Long-Distance Labour Commuters from Kelowna to the Oil Fields of Alberta.” Journal of Rural and Community Development, 14(4): 154-182.
Teixeira, Carlos and Julie Drolet (2018). “Settlement and Housing Experiences of Recent Immigrants in Small-and Mid-sized Cities in the Interior of British Columbia (Canada).” Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 33: 19-43.
Carlos Teixeira (2017). “New Canadians’ Settlement Experiences in Vancouver’s Suburbs, with Suggestions for Policy Directions Regarding Rental Housing and Community Services”. Papers in Applied Geography (published online: 9 August 2017).
Carlos Teixeira and Julie L. Drolet (2017). “Settlement and Housing Experiences of Recent Immigrants in Small- and Mid-sized Cities in the Interior of British Columbia (Canada)”. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (published on line” 17 May 2017).
Joe T. Darden and Carlos Teixeira (2016). “Black Settlement Patterns in Canada and the U.S.: A Reassessment with Implications for Anti-Discrimination in Housing Policies”, in Race, Ethnicity and Place in a Changing America, Edited by J. W. Frazier, E. L Tettey-Fio and N. Henry, Albany, New York: SUNY Press (State University of New York Press), pp. 223-233.
Lo, Lucia and Carlos Teixeira (2015). “Immigrants Doing Business in a Mid-sized Canadian City: Challenges, Opportunities, and Local Strategies in Kelowna, British Columbia”, Growth and Change, 46(4): 631-653.
Lo, Lucia and Carlos Teixeira (2015). “Sustaining Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Small- and Medium-sized Cities”, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, 1(2): 146-162.
Brown, Heather and Carlos Teixeira (2015). “Aging-in-Place in a Mid-sized Canadian City: A Case Study of the Housing Experiences of Seniors in Kelowna’s Housing Market”, Journal of Rural and Community Development, 10(3): 98-119.
Jones, Amanda and Carlos Teixeira (2015). “Housing Experiences of Single Mothers in Kelowna’s Rental Housing Market”, Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 24(2): 117-137.
Teixeria, Carlos (2014). “Living on the ‘Edge of the Suburbs’ of Vancouver: A Case Study of the Housing Experiences and Coping Strategies of Recent Immigrants in Surrey and Richmond”, The Canadian Geographer, 58(2): 168-187
Teixeria, Carlos (2014). “Recent Immigrants’ Housing Experiences and Coping Strategies in the Suburbs of Vancouver and Policy Recommendations” in Immigrant Integration: Research Implications for Future Policy, edited by Kenise Murphy Kilbride, Canadian Scholars’ Press. Pp. 135-150.
Depner, Wolfgang and Texizeria, Carlos (2012). “Welcoming Communities? An Assessment of Community Services in Attracting and Retaining Immigrants in the South Okanagan Valley (British Columbia, Canada), with Policy Recommendations”, Journal of Rural and Community Development, 7(2): 72-97.
McEwan, J. and Teixeria, Carlos (2012). “Doing Their ‘Home’ Work: A Case Study of University of British Columbia Okanagan Student Youth Rental Housing Experiences in the City of Kelowna”, B.C. Studies, 173: 123-142.
Teixeria, Carlos (2012). “Les immigrants et les experiences de migration dans une ville mondiale – Toronto” in Les nouvelles configurations de la mobilite humaine, edited by Fernando Diogo, Rolando Lalanda Gonçalves and Licinio Tomas, Fribourg: Academic Press Fribourg, pp.51-64.
McTurk, Nick and Teixeira, Carlos (2011). “The Challenge of Housing in Remote Areas” in Demography at the Edge: Remote Human Populations in Developed Nations, edited by Dean Carson, Rasmus Rasmussen, Prescott Ensign, Lee Huskey and Andrew Taylor, Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, pp. 289-306.
Texixeira, Carlos (2011). “Gentrification, Displacement, and Resistance: A Case Study of Portuguese Seniors in Toronto’s “Little Portugal” in Diversity and Aging Among Immigrant Seniors in Canada: Changing Faces and Greying Temples, edited by Douglas Durst and Michael MacLean, Calgary: Det Selig Enterprises Ltd., pp. 327-340.
Teixeira, Carlos (2011). “Finding a Home of their Own: Immigrant Housing Experiences in Central Okanagan, British Columbia, and Policy Recommendations for Change”, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 12: 173-197.
Murdie, R. A. and Teixerira, Carlos (2011). “The Impact of Gentrification on Ethnic Neighborhoods in Toronto: A Case Study of Little Portugal”. Urban Studies, 48 (1): 61-83.
Teixeira, Carlos (2010/2011). “Housing New Canadians in Central Okanagan, British Columbia”. B.C. Studies, 168: 45-63
Teixeria, Carlos (2009). “New Immigrant Settlement in a Mid-size City: A Case Study of Housing Barriers and Coping Strategies in Kelowna, British Columbia”, The Canadian Geographer, 53: 323-339.
Teixeria, Carlos (2008). “Barriers and Outcomes in the Housing Searches of New Immigrants and Refugees: A Case Study of “Black” Africans in Toronto’s Rental Market”, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 23: 253-276.
Teixeira, Carlos (2007). “Residential Experiences and the Culture of Suburbanization – A Case Study of Portuguese Homebuyers in Mississauga”, Housing Studies, 22(4): 495-521.
Teixeira, Carlos, L. Lo and M. Truelove (2007). “Immigrant Entrepreneurship, Institutional Discrimination, and Implications for Public Policy”, Environment and Planning C, 25(2):176-193.
Li, Wei and Teixeira, Carlos (2007). “Introduction: Immigrants and Transnational Experiences in World Cities”, GeoJournal, 68(2/3): 93-102.
Teixerira, Carlos (2006). “Housing Experiences of Black Africans in Toronto’s Rental Housing Market: A Case Study of Angolan and Mozambican Immigrants”, Canadian Ethnic Studies , XXXVIII (3): 58-86.
Teixeira, Carlos (2006). “A Comparative Study of Portuguese Homebuyers’ Suburbanization in the Toronto and Montreal Areas”, Espaces-Populations-Societes, 1: 121-135.
Teixeira, Carlos (2006). “Residential Segregation and Ethnic Economies in a Multicultural City: The Little Portugal of Toronto”, in Landscapes of the Ethnic Economy, eds. David Kaplan and Wei Li, 49-65. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Special Issues
Teixeira, Carlos (Guest Editor*) (2010). “Newcomer’s Experiences of Housing and Homelessness in Canada”, Canadian Issues/Themes Canadiens, Fall 2010: 1-106 [21 contributions] [Bilingual Publication – English/French] [21 Articles]. (* With collaboration from: Barry Halliday).
Teixeira, Carlos and Wei Li (Editors) (2009). “Immigrant and Refugee Experiences in North American Cities”, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 7.
Li, Wei and Teixeira, Teixeira (Editors) (2007). “Immigrants and Transnational Experiences in World Cities”, GeoJournal, 68(2/3): 93-278.
Teixeira, Carlos and Wei Li (Editors) (2015). The Housing and Economic Experiences of Immigrants in U.S. and Canadian Cities. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (Forthcoming/2015)
Teixeira, Carlos, Wei Li and Audrey Kobayashi (Editors) (2012). Immigrant Geographies of North American Cities. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press.
Teixeira, Carlos and Victor M. P. Da Rosa (Editors) (2009). The Portuguese in Canada: Diasporic Challenges and Adjustment. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (295 Pages) (Second Edition).
Selected Grants & Awards
Pathways to Prosperity (2014)
Canadian Institute of Health Research (2011)
Metropolis British Columbia (2008-2011)
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (2006-2007)
Community University Research Alliance (CURA) Program of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (With 28 co-applicants plus community partners). Centre for Urban and Community Studies – University of Toronto. December 2004.
Centre for Urban and Community Studies – University of Toronto – Toronto – 2002-2003.
Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS) – Toronto – 1999
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
UBC Press Board Member (2022-Present).
Editorial Board Member: Populations (2024-Present).
Editorial Board Member/Assistant Editor: Social Sciences (2022-Present).
Priority Leader – Domain: “Housing and Neighbourhoods”