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Donna Senese
Associate Professor
Other Titles: Associate Dean, Undergraduate StudentsOffice: ASC 404
Phone: 250.807.9372
Email: donna.senese@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
rural resilience, tourism and sustainability, landscapes of wine and food, international experiential education
Courses & Teaching
GEOG 129 Human Geography: Resources, Development and Society; GEOG/SUST 201 Research Methods in Geography and Sustainability, GEOG 318 Rural Geographies; GEOG 365 Parks and Protected Areas Management, GEOG 371 Research Strategies in Human Geography; GEOG 434 Tourism Geographies; GEOG 435 Wine Geographies; GEOG/SUST 491 Selected Topics in Geography and Sustainability: Rural Sustainability: Wine; Food and Tourism in Central Italy
MA Wilfrid Laurier University
PhD University of Waterloo
Research Interests & Projects
Tourism, Parks and Protected Areas
Landscapes of Wine: Ecumene, Iconography and Cultural Diffusion
Wine, Food and Agriculture: Commodified Conceptions of Rurality
Hazards, Gender and Vulnerability
Selected Grants & Awards
Parks Canada: The South Okanagan Lower Similkameen National Park Feasibility Study and the Regional Tourism Industry: The Potential for Strategic Alliances in the South Okanagan and Lower Similkameen Region of British Columbia.
SSHRC Aid to Small Universities: Terroirism and Winescape Iconography of the Okanagan (with Bernard Momer)
UBCO Grant in Aid Fund: Terroirism Defined: Wine Ecumene meets a globalised tourism industry in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia (with Bernard Momer)
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
Canadian Association of Geographers
Association of American Geographers