Relax-a-Cucha event aims to make knowledge ‘snack-sized’
Making difficult concepts accessible and understandable for everyone is hard enough, but to do it in less than seven minutes is an especially unique challenge. That’s the idea behind Relax-a-Cucha, an event organized every two years by the Institute for Community Engaged Research (ICER) at UBC Okanagan.
Collaboration aims to improve services for homeless
Researchers at UBC Okanagan, Interior Health, Okanagan College, the Central Okanagan Journey Home Society and various human and health service sectors across the BC Interior, have received federal funding to explore ways to improve services for homeless people.
Prizes awarded to UBC Okanagan’s top researchers
UBC’s Okanagan campus is home to nearly 300 faculty researchers that are exploring some of the most urgent challenges, newest ideas and most ground-breaking technologies in the world.
Exploring food systems in the Okanagan
The Okanagan Research Forum invites the community to listen to experts and take part in an open discussion about the future of food production in the Okanagan.
Think B4 U text, says UBC research
Many think they’re doing a favour by texting criticism instead of giving it in person. Not so, say researchers at UBC Okanagan’s campus who have determined that negative comments can have the same impact regardless of how they are delivered.
$1.3M grant to help those with developmental disabilities find work
Researchers from UBC’s Okanagan campus have received over $1.3M in federal funding to prepare youth living with intellectual disabilities (ID) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to find meaningful employment later in life.
Director, scholar, Min Sook Lee visits UBC to present film work
Award-winning Canadian filmmaker Min Sook Lee will be visiting UBC Okanagan’s campus next week.
Envisioning a resilient Okanagan
The Okanagan Research Forum invites the community to listen to experts and take part in an open discussion about the future of the Okanagan landscape.
Seth Klein to talk about climate change, profits, and green jobs
The hot topics of equality, jobs, and climate justice will be the focus of a special presentation with Seth Klein in Vernon next week.
Reconciling Cultures and Re-connecting Foodscapes
The BC Food Systems Network (BCFSN) works to create healthy, just and sustainable food systems in British Columbia by strengthening connections, nurturing capacity, and supporting food policy at all levels.